So you think you are the slickest Xbox NHL 10 hot shot, and you've been putting all your rivals on ice So you're the slickest Xbox NHL 10 player, and you've been putting all your rivals on ice.} You're a hardcore player who likes the thrill of sports video game battles. Since you are more than able to mix it up with the top gamers, this is your moment to assert yourself in the video game world and proclaim your prowess in Xbox NHL 10. So it's time you made your way to the rink, and combatted it out, when you play sports video games for money. Wagering each other in sports video games for cash -- these players aren't screwing around. To really prove your dominance in the video game world, winning game after game - and your rival's money - is a sure-fire route to prove that you are the man!} Not that playing Xbox sports video games isn't great… but when you play for money, it's a lot more awesome. Finally, it's the element that the video game world has long been missing.} Putting actual money down on the outcome of the game really raises the ante - your rivals have to do more than just talk a good game now, or else you'll shut them out.}
With all theenergy having been chucked about, without a doubt you're game to brave the hot shots at Xbox NHL 10.} We are well aware that you can't wait any longer, you just want to turn on the video game console, race over to the arena, and get the game on.} Who in hell wouldn't? Nonetheless - and this is a emormous however - you require not just a brash manner if you yearn for to defeat your contenders at Xbox NHL 10.} Make sure you know what you're doing out there… make sure your trash talk doesn't exceed your abilities. Or, in simpler terms: know the game. Don't be the dumbass who goes off half-cocked, doesn't know what he's doing, and makes an ass of himself. That sort of approach may be fine for picking up women at a bar on a Saturday night, but this is serious stuff - we're talking about playing sports video games for money.} So see to it that you only start up a game once you have all the strategies down pat. If you don't, and your rival does, well, there's nothing colder than being the one to lose the wager.
There's no reason not to exploit your Xbox NHL 10 proficiency into a big payoff, as soon as you're certain you can't be outplayed. See if there are any worthy (or even not-so-worthy) opponents, and start inviting them to face off in the rink.} Start calling out the potential foe, if you think he's getting cold feet about being iced on the rink. If there's one thing about the hardcore gamers, they don't walk away from a challenge. But in the end, we're sure you'll talk some trash, play your match, and win some cash. Xbox NHL 10 is, as to be supposed, a important step onward in video hockey games. If you thought NHL 09's graphics were more vibrant and incredible than anything you've seen, think again. And the animation is even more fluid. While remaining true to the NHL formula of high-octane video hockey, Xbox NHL 10 throws in some new wrinkles that are going to juice up the video game world. A inventive element that's most assuredly to be a favorite of hardcore gamers is the post-whistle action, which, as you know how to almost certainly construe, allows gamers battle it out once the whistle is blown. More specifically, video game groupies have a short-lived but amazing chance to slip in a few checks - and a cheap shot or two, which as a result creates an opening for the scrap that you're yearning for. And it's just a matter of time before your teammates come swarming to your defense and start throwing a few shots of their own, courtesy of the new level of sophistication in gaming technology.} As someone may perhaps think from the sport notorious for its clashing, those clashes more often than not sink into a total free-for-all.
And brace yourself for the Xbox NHL 10 soundtrack.} Sports video games just need the soundtrack in order to take things to the next level, and luckily, Xbox NHL 10 gives the hardcore gamers what they want. Get a gander at the program:} "Young Cardinals" by Alexisonfire, "Deathsmarch" by Cancer Bats, "Hellions on Parade" by CKY, "Golden Years" by Disco Ensemble, "Heroes of Our Time" by Dragonforce, "Anything 'Cept the Truth" by Eagles of Death Metal, "Oye Vaya" by Earl Greyhound, "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day, "Peace Sells" by Megadeth, "Wake Up! Wake Up!" by MeTalkPretty, "Keys to the City" from Ministry & Co-Conspirators, "Kids in America" by MxPx, Nickelback's "Burn It to the Ground," Papa Roach's "Into the Light," "Raccoon Eyes" by Priestess, "The Bravest Kids" from Rancid, Scorpions' rock anthem "Rock You Like a Hurricane," and "Fire It Up" by Thousand Foot Krutch. Listening to the stuff presents an supplementary facet to the entire sensation - you'll assert you are down on the rink, playing in the actualListening to the music gives an added dimension to the whole experience - you'll swear you're down on the rink, taking part in the genuine article. And just when you think NHL 10 is as realistic as it gets, another feature, the intimidation tactics, make it even more of the real deal than you could ever imagine.} You really want to excite the audience, then start giving your rival a tough time and get in his face on the rink. The audience does more than sit there staring blankly into space. They're an functional role of the action - as soon as an event transpires, they act in response.} The audience, like any authentic spectators, gets into the battle, applauds as soon as their team scores a point, jeers when their team is losing - the lone undertaking they don't do is purchase high-priced sports memorabilia. So you get in the ability to get the audience getting up and cheering for you - provided you perform various amazing plays, naturally. There's something else you may want to consider, though maybe we're being kind of harsh here.} Look at NHL 10, then compare that to the garbage your folks played back in the day, the things they claimed were sports video games.} This was before the revolution that gave us 8-bit and then 16-bit games - 4K was as good as it got. And then this was what people stored up their notes and purchased in the early years of the 1980s, if they required to get into a sports video game - these video game groupies didn't have it undemanding:} No, your eyesight isn't faltering – sports video games not only once looked like this, they were considered quality.} All you had were four men on the non-scrolling rink. A player and his goalie. The option to pick your team of choice was out of the question. And here's the payoff.} This cartridge was believed to be one of, if not the, greatest sports video games accessible, upon its first appearance.} Getting your game on way back when began and ended with this one.} Gamers thought they had it so good, because at least the players tried to resemble human beings, albeit in a barely recognizable form. If you really want to get blown away, compare the two games, yesterday's and today's, side by side, though it does seem a bit unfair in some ways:} The way we see it, your father or grandfather or great grandfather or whomever was competing in this material was alive in the video game pre-historic era.} Even the next generation of gaming - the 8-bit games -- can't compare to today's Xbox hockey tournaments. If you're still not convinced, get a good look at this "oldie but a moldy": at least you can choose from six different teams. And to deem that the video game world was assured that the high point of video gaming had gotten there with this one. Hope you're not in too much pain from that - now, take a second look at NHL 10's features, and bow down to the video game gods in gratitude. Lest you forget, all the game modes that make Xbox NHL 10 great were not happening back in the old-school sports video games.} There was no Battle for the Cup, no Playoff Mode, no Season Mode, no Be a GM or Be a Tough Guy. And in those days, online gaming, alas, was just a pipe dream. Nothing else you could do but keep dreaming.} Not much you could do but be satisfied with your limited graphics and game play.
Sports video games go to new heights, though, with Xbox NHL 10. It was more or less expected that the reviewers all felt strongly about this one, naming Xbox NHL 10 as one of their all-time favorite sports video games.} Once you get a taste of the game, where the players move so flawlessly that you won't be able to tell the difference between NHL 10 and an actual hockey game, you won't disagree with the critics. Much acclaim has to be offered to EA, who raised the standard even high for sports video games with their next one.} And don't get us started on the facial expressions the players display - there's more range in one game of Xbox NHL 10 than an entire year of your girlfriend's daytime soaps. And let's not forget the fight scenes, and their incredible first-person perspective.} It's not unlike you're honestly gazing at a couple of fists punching the tar out of you, but devoid of the black eyes, blood and likely wounds.}
Gary Thorne and Bill Clement are there to present their customary, oddly accurate commentary, akin to in NHL 09. Possessing this pair on hand is zilch to jeer at, also.} Think about these two gentlemen's qualifications.} First there's "Clement, Clement, Hand of Cement," Bill Clement, revered NHL All-Star, and member of the ESPN family.} And Clement's cohort Gary Thorne, another one from the ESPN team, is a pretty impressive sports figure in his own right.} You'll be blown away when you listen to this pair's game commentary.} Xbox NHL 10 is so realistic that you'll be assured that the pair is sitting down in your house.
Video game fans will be pleased with another one of Xbox NHL 10's new features, precision passing. Now, players can really take control of the speed of the puck, a feature absent in prior NHL games. And for those of you who've really mastered your slap shot, you can bank your passes off of the board.} Yet another innovation that's got the video game world abuzz - for the first time, Xbox NHL 10 lets gamers battle on the boards. That is correct sir - you can now thwart your opponent from snagging the puck by kick-passing it to a teammate, in those instances where you have the puck but are pinned up against the boards. On the other hand, if your rival is being pinned to the boards by you, then you can really put yourself in charge - assuming you're the best player on the rink.}
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